Myths, Legends and Fables
Unit overview
Identifies resources, pupil activity and teacher notes. A Word 2010 document
Character Names and Pictures
Mythical characters and their visual representation. A Word 2010 document
Key words
Key words from the Daedalus and Icarus mythological story. A Word 2010 document
Story board template
A template for a story board. A Word 97-2003 document
Analysis grid 1
A grid to analyse the Daedalus and Icarus story. A Word 2010 document
Analysis grid 2
Another grid to analyse the Daedalus and Icarus story. A Word 2010 document
Adjectives and adverbs
Adjectives and adverbs cloze procedure exercise. A Word 2010 document
The girl and the fox
Pictures and words exercise. A Word 2010 document
Story mountain
How a story is constructed. A PowerPoint 2010 document
The girl and the fox - Teacher's writing
The girl and the fox story - teacher's writing. A Word 2010 document
Fast movement word bank
Verbs to describe fast movement. A Word 2010 document